Welcome Aboard!

The JA Innovations Committee Blog is now live! Please consider this a space where ideas and concepts can be shared, debated and discussed! All voices are welcome and encouraged, both from within the committee membership and beyond to our colleagues and customers. New users will need to register and after your first comment or contribution is approved, you will have free reign to make the most of this tool.  So please register and get started. If you have a topic you are interested in leading a discussion about, please let me know and I can change your status from Subscriber to Author.

Don’t forget our next meeting will take place on Wednesday Nov. 19th at 9:30am at SALS. An agenda will be sent out soon.

Let me close with a quote from the author Steven Johnson which I feel captures what this blog is intended for..

“If you look at history, innovation doesn’t just come from giving people incentives; it comes from creating environments where their ideas can connect”

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