Category Archives: Uncategorized

Library Website Resources

Looking for examples of great library websites?  Check out Matt Anderson’s list

As I mentioned at the meeting, the CPH Digital Services Advisory Team used the list as a starting point in our discussions about  features and functions we want in our website.  Staff found that there were elements of these websites that they really liked and elements or whole websites that they really did not like.

Another resource is the Library Success Website Design  created by Meredith Farkas.  It has many design links, ideas and resources built into it.


Multi vs Omni Channel eMarketing

EContent  an Information Today online publication had this interesting  article on March 2nd.  The article might be helpful to reference in the development of a “Social Media” as well as a Customer Experience strategies.

Here are some highlights to pique your interest:

“Multichannel is very much a kind of corporate, or brand, view of the world based on the various channels or touchpoints they’re focused on in engaging their customers,” he says. These might include social media, email, a website, and other traditional means of marketing. The difference, he says, is that while multichannel tends to be based on an inside-out approach, omnichannel is more outside in, a consideration of the customer experience from his perspective. “It’s how a customer would see the world,” he says, “including what they would do, potentially, in the brick-and-mortar space if there is a physical store, how they would engage with a call center, etc.-it brings all of these together; it’s really about connecting the dots.”

The concept, …. is really about “understanding how to eliminate effort from the customer experience.”

Omnichannel, …. involves “using data to understand where effort exists in the customer experience and how to remove-rather than add-effort.”

“It’s really trying to bring that integrated view of what a customer experience is with that particular company’s brand-all the way from how do we speak to them to get them interested in the product or service through how do we bring them to buy something and what was their delivery experience and post-purchase experience.


Pattern Recognition

As part of the last Innovations Committee meeting, we took a quick look at a video taken by Jason Griffey from the 2015 Consumers Electronic Show (CES) which is held each January in Las Vegas.  Jason is a librarian and “technologist” who is perhaps best known as the creator of the Library Box project. I mentioned at the meeting that I would post the video that we looked at here on the blog. However after taking another look at Jason’s posts from CES, I decided that I would simply link to his page, where there are several videos from the show, including one dedicated to 3D printers. Speaking of 3D printing, we are looking forward to a future post here about a 3D printing collaborative venture that Crandall Library and LARAC  are planning; and one of the winning proposals of a SALS Technology Challenge Grant.  Perhaps we can entice the other Technology Grant winners to post some info on their projects as well! Certainly if you have an innovative idea that you would like to share with your colleagues on this space, please register and go for it!

Welcome Aboard!

The JA Innovations Committee Blog is now live! Please consider this a space where ideas and concepts can be shared, debated and discussed! All voices are welcome and encouraged, both from within the committee membership and beyond to our colleagues and customers. New users will need to register and after your first comment or contribution is approved, you will have free reign to make the most of this tool.  So please register and get started. If you have a topic you are interested in leading a discussion about, please let me know and I can change your status from Subscriber to Author.

Don’t forget our next meeting will take place on Wednesday Nov. 19th at 9:30am at SALS. An agenda will be sent out soon.

Let me close with a quote from the author Steven Johnson which I feel captures what this blog is intended for..

“If you look at history, innovation doesn’t just come from giving people incentives; it comes from creating environments where their ideas can connect”